miércoles, 19 de enero de 2022


 As every year, we celebrated Candela's Day at school making a Pantarujo in Art class. Last January we couldn't go to Santiago for burning the Pantarujo, but this year we'll go back again.

What we don't want in our lives is burnt off in Las Candelas and as happened last year, we want to burn the Coronavirus.

What do you want to burn?


 This year, we made this Christmas Tree in Art class. Every grade made an ornament:

  • 3 and 4 years: Christmas balls with paper.
  • 5 years: owls
  • First grade: stars of wool.
  • Second grade: woolen elfs.
  • Third grade: Grinch and Snowman with paper rolls.
  • Fourth grade: gift boxes.
  • Fifth grade: golden stars.
  • Sixth grade: ornaments in felt (houses, snowman, bears...)

This is the end result, we hope you liked it!